Fresh Start auto lending is how we help you meet your financial goals. We don't want our members to pay more just because of a few financial blunders. We offer more favorable options than most buy-here-pay-here and payday lenders. Let Downeast CU help leave your financial troubles behind and start over with a Fresh Start loan. With over 80 years in the business, we encourage borrowers to take the leap toward financial stability with us.
Help members into reliable automobiles and even assist with the car shopping process
Offer reasonable lending rates and affordable payments
Assist you in building a better credit score to increase your ability to borrow at lower rates in the future
Contact us today to start the process at 800.427.1223 or apply here:
If you know any 3 of a loan's 4 terms (principal, interest rate, payments remaining, and payment amount), this calculator will compute the missing term. Enter the 3 known loan terms in the appropriate entry fields and click on "Compute." One empty field is required for recalculations.
*This calculator is solely intended to provide general estimates, not final or binding future value or interest totals. Lender calculations may vary.
A VSC pays for the labor and replacement of covered parts. It helps you avoid costly repair bills down the road and includes 24/7 Road Side Assistance.
What you owe on your vehicle and the actual value might vary. Protect that gap in the worst-case scenario that your auto becomes a total loss in an accident.
Auto insurance can be tailored for your exact needs. Our friends at Downeast Insurance can help shop through multiple carriers to find you the best deal.
*Fresh Start loans available to qualifying members, based on approved credit and other established requirements. * Check our Rates Page for the current loan rates. The calculator on this page may help you determine estimated monthly payments. Not all applicants will qualify for the lowest rate. The rate you receive on your loan will be the rate in effect at the time of loan disbursal. *APR=Annual Percentage Rate. APRs shown above are stated as low as and may vary based on make and model of the vehicle. APRs and loan approval are based on collateral type, payment method, creditworthiness and ability to repay. Auto terms up to 84 months. Your actual APR will be determined at the time of disbursement and will be based on your application and credit information. Rates quoted assume excellent borrower credit history. Not all applicants will qualify for the lowest rate. Other restrictions including vehicle and mileage limitations may apply. For example, a 60-month, fixed-rate Auto Loan for $20,000 would have a monthly payment of $386.59 at an annual percentage rate (APR) of 5.99%. Rates effective as of 02/26/2025. All rates and terms subject to change at any time.
For our members’ convenience, links are available in this website to allow quick access to other sites that may be of interest. Clicking on a third party link will take you out of Downeast Credit Union’s website to an alternative website not operated by DECU. The Credit Union is not responsible for the content of the third party website and does not represent either the third party website or the member if you enter into a transaction. Privacy and security policies of the website to which you are linking may differ from those practiced by DECU.