VISA Debt Protection – Downeast Credit Union

VISA Debt Protection

Have you ever thought of how you might make your Credit Card payments if you experienced a sudden illness, accident, or become disabled? Downeast Credit Union offers Debt Protection to help ease the burden.

Debt Protection can help cover payments if you experience:
  • Disability
  • Death
  • Illness
  • Accident
  • Involuntary Unemployment
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Debt Protection Coverage:

  • Is voluntary
  • Does not affect the loan decision
  • Requires no medical exam
  • No age limits to receive benefits

Who qualifies:

  • Members in good standing

Debt Protection is flexible:

  • Add coverage at any time

  • Change coverage at any time
  • Remove coverage at any time

    *Debt protection could cancel your loan balance or payments up to the contract maximums. See a CU Representative for eligibility requirements and programs details. Insurance and warranty products are not products of the Credit Union; and are not obligations of or guaranteed by the Credit Union. Insurance or warranties may be purchased from an agent or an insurance company of the Member’s choice; and Credit Union makes no representations as to the services of any provider.

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Routing Number: 211288996